Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever... it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.

If you would like to contact Chase for prices or to schedule an appointment he may be reached at the following.

Phone: 479.650.4727

Jonathan and Jessica

This was a great wedding to shoot and as you can tell we had a lot of fun. Congratulations Jonathan and Jessica.

Devin and Whitney

This is from Devin and Whitney's wedding which was a lot of fun to shoot. The wedding was on a bluff overlooking the lake and made for a beautiful wedding.

Brett and Angela's Wedding

As you can tell in the pictures we decided to have fun with the pictures for Brett and Angela's Wedding. I hope you enjoy all the updates!

Busy busy busy!

Hello everyone. I thought I would give an update recently I had 4 weddings and I'm currently extremely busy working up everyone's pictures. As you noticed I haven't been on here as much lately. Check back often though and there will be many more pictures added soon.

Also don't forget the Down On The Farm Series is coming up September 13th! Be sure to be one of the first 5 families to receive a FREE Sitting Fee and FREE 8x10!



This is Jayden I took his pictures recently and he was only 2 weeks old. He's going to grow to be a tall boy from the looks of it. Hope you enjoy.